User Manual

Comfort guidelines
comfort_guidelines.htm[9/10/2014 11:03:12 AM]
Avoid placing or supporting your wrists on sharp edges or on your desktop.
Make sure that your elbow is next to your side. Keep your wrist relaxed and straight - don't bend it up, down, or to either
Practice good work habits...
Take frequent short breaks. Get up and walk around at least a couple of times every hour.
Vary your tasks throughout the day. Do something different with your hands and arms for a while.
Use a light touch on the keyboard and for better control of the mouse or trackball.
Use software features to customize your mouse or trackball to help you reduce stress to your arm, wrist, or hand by
minimizing repetitive or awkward motions.
Be alert to signs of discomfort...
Consult a qualified health professional if at any time during or after typing you feel pain, weakness, numbness, or tingling in
your hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, or back, or if you have any reason to believe that you might be experiencing
discomfort as a result of typing or from using the mouse or trackball.
For information regarding strategies or customizations which might increase your comfort when using the other parts of your
computer (monitor, CPU, etc.), please consult the literature supplied with those components.