User Manual

Tutorial 4: Record a quick macro
t4_record_a_quick_macro.htm[9/10/2014 11:03:43 AM]
Tutorial 4: Record a quick macro
In this tutorial you will create a macro that displays your bookmarks/history in a new tab within Safari.
1. Launch Safari (from the Dock or from the list of Applications). If it's already open, close it and re-open it. You should notice
that your device's display indicates that the profile (Safari) created in Tutorial 1 is automatically started.
2. Press the M1 key to make sure you're in mode M1.
3. Press the MR key. The MR LED is lit, and the display displays instructions to guide you through the recording process.
4. Press G4.
5. Hold down Cmd and press T, then release Cmd. This displays a new tab.
6. Hold down Alt/Option and Cmd, and press B, then release Alt/Option and Cmd. This displays your bookmarks/history.
7. Press MR to stop recording the macro. The macro is assigned to the G4 key in M1 mode.
You can now test that your quick macro works by pressing G4 while using Safari. Doing so displays your bookmarks in a new tab.
If you launch or switch back to the Profiles View in the Logitech
Gaming Software, you'll notice that G4 has been given a quick
macro label when the 'Safari' profile and M1 are selected.