User Manual

Applet configuration options
applet_configuration_options.htm[9/10/2014 11:03:49 AM]
Applet configuration options
The applets that display information on your LCD display can be configured to work in the way that suits you best. The options
available to configure your applets are as follows:
Applet Configuration options
Logitech LCD RSS Reader Choose the RSS feeds from which you want to display articles.
Logitech LCD Clock Choose:
The clock face style. Tip: If you have a mono LCD display, holding down the Shift key
displays further 'Easter Egg' clock faces for you to choose from.
Whether the clock displays a second hand.
Whether the second hand sweeps (smoothly) or ticks. (Available for color LCD displays
Whether the clock display shows the number of unread emails you have.
Logitech Performance
No configuration options available.
Logitech LCD Countdown
The number of timers you require (zero, one, or two).
Whether each timer is a stopwatch (counting forwards) or countdown timer (counting
The label/name you want to assign to each timer.
For countdown timers:
- The time you want to count back from.
- When the countdown reaches zero, whether you want it to loop, i.e. start again, or end.
- Whether you want to play a sound to alert you when the countdown reaches zero; if you
choose to play a sound, you are prompted to select the sound file you want to play (.WAV
G-Series Profile Selector
No configuration options available.
Logitech LCD POP3
POP3 Settings: Your POP3 mail server, the port number through which you connect to the
mail server, and your username and password. A button is available to test the settings
you enter.
Your preferences:
- The frequency between checks for new emails.
- The email application that is launched when you press
. You can either choose your
default email client or a different email application.
Movie viewer Specify:
The movies folder from which video files are available to play.
Whether you just want to play video files from just the top level folder selected, or both that
folder and its sub-folders.