
Logitech Harmony Touch
is in progress for which they were mapped. If you want to assign a button function for all Activities, you will need to
do it for each individual Activity.
How to map buttons to your remote
1. Select the Buttons tab on the left hand side of the screen.
2. Select an Activity for the area of the remote you would like to create a sequence for (screen options or
remote buttons) and click Go.
3. Select a button on the illustration of the remote. You can scroll the illustration to see buttons at the
bottom of the remote.
4. Hover over a command to assign to that button and click on Long Press, Short Press, or Both to make
the selection.
5. Click OK.
NOTE: Each button on your remote can be assigned more than one command. For example, the Fast
Forward button on the top of your remote can be set up so that quickly pressing it (short press)
activates the Fast Forward function and holding it (long press) activates the Skip Forward function.
Device Mode
It is recommended that you do not map buttons while in Device Mode because the mapping will not carry over into
any of your Activities. Instead, select an Activity to map buttons for.
How to get the most out of your Harmony Touch
You can prevent some common problems if you follow the tips in this section.
Important: use your Harmony Touch every time!
Always exclusively use your Harmony Touch to control your devices. Do not use other remotes to control your
devices, or manually turn them on or off or change inputs. Harmony is unable to track changes that it does not
make and will continue to assume your devices are in the state that it has left them in.
Adjust the power on delay
If your TV does not go to the right input when starting an Activity from an everything-off state, or does not go to any
input, try increasing the power on delay for your television. This feature is accessible in your remote’s Settings
menu and in your MyHarmony account. See the Delay settings section for more information.
Use the Help function to put the remote back in sync with devices
Sometimes Harmony becomes out of sync with your devices and confuses when they are on or off, or which input
they are on. This occurs when there is an obstacle between the device and your Harmony remote; or if the devices
are operated manually or by using their original remote control.
1. Harmony Touch can run through a series of questions to help identify the issue and correct it. Tap the
2. Select Help.
3. Answer Yes or No to the questions on the screen.
Based on your answers, your remote re-sends the necessary commands to synchronize it with your devices.
NOTE: If you use the Help feature frequently when powering on your devices or switching between
Activities, then there may be changes that can be applied to correct this. The Help feature should not
be necessary with a properly configured setup.