
Logitech Harmony Touch
4. Click Browse.
5. Choose an image to upload, then click Next. Your image appears in the Custom Images area and is
highlighted for selection.
TIP: Select a darker colored photo so your Activity and Favorite Channel names are more easily seen.
PNG, JPEG and JPG file formats under 5 MB in size are supported. The minimum required resolution
is 240 x 320 pixels.
6. Click Done to choose the image you just uploaded.
7. Sync your remote. Now your image is used as the background for the remote, and appears as a
background option in the menus on the remote.
Customizing Activity icons
You can upload images to use as custom Activity icons. To upload and choose an image as an Activity icon, follow
these steps:
1. In MyHarmony, select the Activities tab on the left hand side of the screen.
2. Select the Activity whose icon you want to change.
3. Click Change your settings.
4. Click Upload Icon.
5. Choose an image to upload, then click Next.
6. Continue to click Next to complete the Change an Activity action sequence.