Operations Manual

RTU5 Operations Manual Revision: "1"
Page 8 of 12 Document ID #: 4001-00xx-SO
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2.1 Main Screen components
2.1.1 Status Frame
The status frame reports the status of the various aspects of the RTU5.
1. Mod/PTT – [OK|BAD] the status of the Mod/PTT channel. A BAD status indicates a problem
communicating with the Mod/PTT. A BAD status here could indicate an incorrect MODPTT
setting in the rtcconfig.cfg file.
2. DSP – [OK|BAD] the status of the DSP channel. A BAD status indicates a problem
communicating with the DSP. A BAD status here could indicate an incorrect DSP setting in the
rtcconfig.cfg file.
3. GPS – [OK|BAD|N/A] the status of the GPS signal. A BAD status indicates a problem
communicating with the GPS. N/A will be displayed if no GPS is being used. The field will be
prefixed with an
if the built in GPS is being used.
4. Decoder - [OK|BAD|N/A] the status of the Decoder signal. BAD Status indicates a problem
communicating with the packet decoder. It will also indicate that a large number of garbled
MSK formatted messages have been received, in this case the error will clear itself once a good
packet has been received.
5. Fan - [OK|BAD] indicates the status of the RTU5 cooling fan. Referenced to the speed limits set
in the config file.
6. Receiver - [OK|BAD] the status of the uplink receiver. A BAD status here could also indicate an
incorrect UPLINK setting in the rtcconfig.cfg file.
7. Noise - [OK|BAD] BAD indicates an unacceptable noise level in the uplink receiver.
8. Access - [OK|BAD] BAD indicates a problem with permissions accessing various system
resources such as the serial ports for the DSP, Decoder and Mod/PTT channels.
9. Assertion - [OK|BAD] BAD indicates that an internal software error has been detected.
10. Configure - [OK|BAD] BAD indicates a failure processing the configuration file.
11. Logger - [OK|BAD] BAD indicates a failure writing data to the condition logger.
12. Save - [OK|BAD] BAD indicates a failure to write configuration data to the rtcconfig.cfg file after
a remote configuration has occurred.
13. TimeSynch - [OK|BAD] BAD indicates a TimeSynch (NTP) problem.
Note that when time synchronization is lost the timing of transmissions will become randomized.
14. System Temp – [OK|BAD] indicates the internal temperature of the RTU5 in reference to the
limits set in the config file.