User's Manual

DMZ Settings
You may setup a De-Militarized (DMZ) to separate internal network and internet.
Fields Description
DMZ Settings Enable or Disable the DMZ function.
DMZ IP Address To support DMZ in your firewall design, Enter IP address of DMZ host that can be
access from the WAN interface.
Click Save to change the new settings.
Click cancel to clear the entered settings.
Virtual Server Settings
Virtual server feature allows users to make servers on your LAN accessible to internet users.
Normally, Internet users would not be able to access a server on your LAN because of native
NAT protection.The “virtual server” feature solves these problems and allows internet users to
connect to your servers
Fields Description
Virtual Server Select Enable or Disable the Virtual Server function.
Protocol There are 3 options, TCP&UDP, TCP or UDP.
IP Address Enter the IP address to which the data packets can be forwarded from WAN. The IP
address should be hosted in LAN behind the NAT firewall.
Port Range Enter the port range to which data packets can be forwarded.
Comment Make a comment for the Virtual Server policy.
Click Add to change the new settings.
Click cancel to clear the entered settings.