User's Manual

MicroStrain, Inc.
Programmable Gain
As indicated in the Differential Input Channel section, the SG-Link® OEM has a user-
programmable gain that allows the bridge circuit to be amplified to suit the characteristics
of the particular strain gauge in use; this programmable gain can be set from 20 to 2560.
Note: In the current Agile-Link™ software, the gain must be applied through the
Read/Write EEPROM. The gain can not be applied through the Channels tab in the
Configuration window as normal. Furthermore, the gain readout in the Channels tab is
erroneous and should not be considered. A future revision in Agile-Link™ software will
resolve this issue.
A table is presented below which details the available gain settings; the values should be
written to EEPROM address 128 on the SG-Link® OEM.
Hardware Gain Value to Write to EEPROM
20 0
40 1
80 2
160 3
320 4
640 5
1280 6
2560 7
Table 7