Operation Manual

User Manual
instead of to left it will increase brightness.
To set the backlight. Operates in similar mode as Contrast.
To check the C-CARD and its connector.
Background ROM
To test the WorldWideBackground. If there is not a malfunction, the code of the
Background and the message "OK" are shown.
To test the C-CARD. There are the possible situations:
1. if there is a C-CARD inserted in the slot and there is not a malfunction, the
name of the C-CARD zone and the message "OK" are shown.
2. if there is a C-CARD inserted in the slot, but it is a damaged C-CARD, the
name of the C-CARD zone and the message "Faulty" are shown.
3. if there is not any C-CARD inserted in the slot, the message "not present" is
4. if there is an User C-CARD inserted in the slot, the message "USER C-CARD"
is shown.
C-CARD Connector
Indicates if there is a malfunction in the connector. It is used only in production.
If you are having problems receiving data from the position-finding instru-
ment, this test should help determine the problem.
Change Parameters
Allows to change the parameters of the serial interface. This menu allows to
select the Port (Signal Source), the Baud Rate between 4800 or 9600, the Data
Bits (Word Length) between 7 or 8, the Parity between even, odd or none, the
Stop Bits between 1 or 2. Default settings are: Port = Port 1, Baud Rate = 4800,
Data Bits = 8, Parity = none, Stop Bits = 1.
Input Data Display
Allows the chart plotter to act as a computer terminal and display the incoming
data exactly as it received.