User's Manual

Rev B
ESC key is the general "return" operator. Most commonly it returns you to the
main program, restoring the command display on line one. Sometimes it provides a
return from a subprogram to the menu from which it was called. Sometimes it is
used to terminate data entry (of lists or table values) from the keyboard.
SET ("set delta") key is used to set incremental values of frequency, gain or time for use by
the increment and decrement functions (arrow keys). Which variable is set depends on which of
the three other "set" keys (
SET F, SET G, or SET SCAN) were activated last. The three prompts are:
HELP key puts the receiver into its help mode. Once HELP has been activated you
may then press any key to get information about its function or about appropriate
entry formats for data. Note that
HELP automatically performs a shift operation (help
data is naturally provided only for functions). Since help is provided for the
SET function
ESC), the SHIFT key, rather than ESC, is used to exit the help mode.
Note that
HELP services are limited to basic information about key functions only and is not a
substitute for the operating manual. In order to conserve program memory,
HELP is not provided
in advanced software versions.
SEARCH key provides access to several functions. Its menu is:
The search functions scan through a range of frequencies looking for a signal, using the
frequency increment set by the
SET operation. If an active signal is found at any frequency the
routine continues scanning until it finds a local maximum, at which point it stops and displays
the maximum signal intensity and the frequency at which it was found. Pressing the
will continue the search. Because of the pass band characteristics of the receiver's ultra-stable IF
filters there may be more than one local maximum for a given signal, and if the signal is subject
to dynamic fading (due to relative motion of transmitter, receiver or interfering objects) the
maximum signal point(s) may move slightly or change in relative intensity. The search
algorithm is designed to discriminate multiple peaks of equal or increasing magnitude, and locks
on to each one individually until you press
SHIFT. Search functions cycle through their ranges
repeatedly until terminated by
ENTER -> GAIN (01-99)
(001-999kHz) >
ENTER - >TIME (01-99 SEC)