
Panning the 3D chart
You can move the chart in any direction by selecting the Pan icon
and then panning in the desired direction.
Select the Return to vessel menu option to stop panning, and to
center the chart to vessel position.
Controlling the view angle
You can control the view angle by selecting the Rotate icon and
then panning the chart panel.
To change the direction you are viewing, pan horizontally
To change the tilt angle of the view, pan vertically
Note: When centered on the vessel position, only the tilt
angle can be adjusted. The view direction is controlled by
the chart orientation setting. See "Positioning the vessel on the chart
panel" on page 30.
Zooming a 3D chart
You zoom in and out on a 3D chart by using the zoom (+ or -)
buttons or by using the + and - keys.
Chart overlay
Structure sonar (StructureMap) information can be displayed as
overlay on your chart panel.
When an overlay is selected, the chart menu expands to include
basic menu functions for the selected overlay.
For more information about the StructureMap menu functions, refer
to "Structure options" on page 80.
Charts | ELITE Ti Operator Manual