
Depth palette
Controls the Depth palette used on the map.
Paper chart
Changes the appearance of the map to a paper chart style.
Safety depth
Jeppesen charts use different shades of blue to
distinguish between shallow (lighter shades) and deep (darker
shades) water. After enabling Safety depth, specify the
desired safety depth limit. The Safety depth sets the limit at which
depths will be drawn without blue shading.
Depth filter
Filters out depth values shallower than the selected depth filter
Shades different areas of the seabed, depending on the selected
Shading category.
Note: Composition and Vegetation shading are not
applicable to Jeppesen charts.
Depth 1 and Depth 2
Depth presets that shade different depths in different colors.
You can adjust the depth threshold, color and opacity
(transparency) of color shading for Depth 1 and Depth 2.
Charts | ELITE Ti Operator Manual