
Note: Setting a custom range puts the sonar in manual
mode. If the bottom is well beyond the lower range set,
you may lose digital depth.
The unit supports several transducer frequencies. Available
frequencies depend on the transducer model that is connected.
Note: This unit cannot operate CHIRP frequencies and
SideScan at the same time. If you turn on StructureScan
Left/Right view, you will not be able to use the CHIRP sonar.
You can view two frequencies at the same time by selecting dual
Sonar panels from the Home page.
Increasing Sensitivity shows more detail on the screen. Decreasing
Sensitivity displays less. Too much detail clutters the screen.
Conversely, desired echoes may not be displayed if Sensitivity is set
too low.
Note: Auto Sensitivity is the preferred mode for most
Auto sensitivity
Auto sensitivity automatically adjusts the sonar return to the
optimal levels. Auto sensitivity can be adjusted (+/-) to your
preference while still maintaining the auto sensitivity functionality.
Allows the user to adjust the colors of the display to help
differentiate softer targets from harder ones. Adjusting the Colorline
can help separate fish and important structures on or near the
bottom from the actual bottom.
Adjusting Sensitivity and Colorline
Select the Sensitivity or Colorline menu options in the Sonar menu
and adjust them by dragging the bar vertically up/down. Minor
adjustments can be made by tapping on the top or bottom of the
slider bar.
Sonar | ELITE Ti Operator Manual