
File format
Select a file format from the drop-down, slg (Sonar only), xtf
(DownScan only*), or sl2 (Sonar and DownScan).
Note: XTF format is for use only with select 3rd party Sonar
viewing tools.
Save to
Select whether the recording is to be saved internally or to a
memory card in the card reader.
Bytes per sounding
Select how many bytes per seconds that are to be used when
saving the log file. More bytes yield better resolution, but cause the
record file to increase in size compared to using lower byte settings.
Create StructureMap
If StructureScan is available on the network, you can convert the .sl2
logs to StructureMap format (.smf) when recording completes. The
log file can also be converted to StructureMap format from the Files
Upload to Insight Genesis
Files are transmitted to Insight Genesis when recording completes,
if you are connected to a wireless hotspot. For information about
wireless hotspots, refer to "Wireless connection" on page 92.
If allowed by your selected Insight Genesis account, you can choose
between setting the recorded log files as Private or Public at Insight
Time remaining
Shows the remaining allocated space available for recordings.
Stop recording log data
Select Stop in the Logging Sonar dialog to fully stop the recording
of all sonar log data.
Sonar | ELITE Ti Operator Manual