Operation Manual

AIS | Elite-5 & Elite-7
AIS | Elite-5 & Elite-7
Target symbols
The unit uses the AIS target symbols shown below:
Symbol Description
Stationary AIS target
Moving AIS target with (COG) course
extension line
The extension line always represents the
target’s course over ground and is set to 10
minutes by default.
Lost AIS target
When no signals have
been received within a
time limit a target will be
defined as lost.
The target symbol
represents the last valid
position of the target
before the reception of
data was lost.
Filtering the targets
All targets, by default, are shown on the display if
an AIS device is connected to your unit.
You can hide all targets, or lter the target icons
based on distance and vessel speed.
NOTE: If you receive heading data from
an AIS vessel, the orientation of the vessel
icon represents its heading. If heading
data is not received, the orientation of
the vessel icon represents its course over
ground (COG).