User's Manual

3-10 Firmware Installation Procedure
Copyright © 2002 - 2005 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
g - Toggle Board Speed on Function 1
Successively pressing the F key (for Function 0) or the G key
(for Function 1) toggles the PORT speed setting between these
three modes:
1 Gbit/s
2 Gbit/s
Step 3. Exit the FCUtil utility using the menu option q - Quit.
3.4.2 Adjusting Interrupt Coalescing
The LSI Logic host adapters can complete multiple I/O requests per host
interrupt. Interrupt coalescing is used to reduce CPU interrupts by
pooling multiple disk command completions (I/O) into one interrupt. This
feature may be enabled or disabled.
Important: LSI Logic has performed significant testing under multiple
I/O conditions and has determined that interrupt coalescing
can be very valuable for small transfer lengths or random,
transaction-oriented I/O workloads. For this type of
workload, LSI Logic recommends that the Interrupt
Coalescing values be set to a queue depth of 9, with a
timeout of 1280 (0x500) µs. This means that the host is
interrupted only once for 9 I/Os processed by the chip,
unless 1280 µs have passed since the host was last
interrupted. If the workload is of a large transfer length and
sequential, LSI Logic recommends that interrupt coalescing
be disabled to prevent performance degradation.
Note: The LSI7202XP-LC, LSI7202EP-LC, and LSI7202EP each
have two FC ports and the LSI7402XP-LC, LSI7402XP-LC,
and LSI7402XP-LC each have four FC ports, so Interrupt
Coalescing must be configured for each port. The
LSI7102XP-LC has only one port.
Use the following procedure to adjust Interrupt Coalescing depth and
timeout values:
Step 1. To set the link speed of the host adapter, execute this command
from the DOS command line: