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Network Diagram
Figure 6-17 Network Diagram Protocol VLAN
Confi guration Procedure
Confi gure Switch A
Step Operation Description
Confi gure the Link Type
of the Ports
On VLAN>>802.1Q VLAN>>Port Confi g page confi gure the
link type of Port 11 as ACCESS, Port 13 as ACCESS, and Port 12
Create VLAN10 On VLAN>>802.1Q VLAN>>VLAN Confi g page create a VLAN
with a VLANID of 10 with members being Port 12 and Port 13
and confi gure the Egress Rule of Port 12 as Untag.
Create VLAN20 On VLAN>>802.1Q VLAN>>VLAN Confi g page create a VLAN
with a VLANID of 20 with members being Port 11 and Port 12
and confi gure the Egress Rule of Port 12 as Untag.