User's Manual

Programming and Testing the Transponder PT21
Chapter 6
Programming and Testing the Transponder PT21
This chapter explains how to setup a programming site and gives the procedure for programming
the Transponders PT21. This chapter does not, however, explain how to choose parameter values.
Transmission parameters are defined and set in the programming software provided by Lyngso
Industri A/S. For more information parameter configurations for the Transponder PT21, see the
RFID System 21 Reference Guide.The PT21 Transponder is programmed using the Tag Qualifier
TQ21 - Tag Qualifier General Description
Tag Qualifier TQ21 can be used to test PT21/T96/T95 tags and to program tags PT21/T96. The
TQ21 is part of the RFID System S21 developed and marketed by Lyngsoe Industries.
This Chapter gives you a short presentation of the equipment TQ21 and basic information of how
to control it through its parameters.
A general overview of the commands and parameters used for TQ21 is presented in the Reference
Guide for RFID System S21 (or S95).
TQ21 Installation and Setup
To power up and interconnect the Tag Qualifier TQ21 with your computer see Figure 6-1 which
presents a typical installation.
WARNING Before you start the installation, check if the Power Supply provides the specified
output voltage - 12Vac or 12-16Vdc, and min. 0.3A; any polarity can be used for the dc output.
PC Software Configuration
The simplest way to control TQ21 is by using a Terminal Emulation program on the PC. The
general configuration procedure consists of:
Open a Terminal Emulation program on your computer (Procomm, Hyper Terminal, etc.).
Configure the computer's COM port to which the TQ21 is connected. The recommended PC
configuration for the COM port is: COM port - COM1; Data rate - 19200 bps; Data bits - 8
bits; Parity - none; Stop bits - 1; Flow control - none.
From the PC send commands to TQ21 and observe the responses on the PC.
Other dedicated software can be used to control TQ21 as long as the correct commands are
provided for TQ21. Programming software can be purchased from Lyngso Industri A/S.