User's Manual

Upgrading the Firmware
D-2 Reader Software Upgrade Procedure
Saving Parameters Follow these steps:
1. Write down the values of the following parameters: HV0, HV1, ISC, ISN.
Note To determine a parameters value, for example, HV1, type the following command:
For example, the Reader responds:
where 125 is the parameter value.
2. If the Reader was already configured, write down all parameters whose values differ from the
set default values.
For example, for an IPC installation, write down the values for the following parameters: DCI,
Using the RS232
Follow these steps:
1. Connect your PC (COM port) to the Reader RD21 (RS232 interface) using a standard RS232
cable. For more information, refer to Setting Up the Reader/PC Connection on page 5-2.
2. Start the upgrading procedure by typing the following command:
or type the following shortcut:
3. Start XMODEM, send protocol on the PC, and then send the new firmware file. Lyngsoe
recommends having the new file on your hard drive and not on a floppy disk.
4. Wait until the transfer process is complete. If the 95 Series RFID System aborted the transfer
process, repeat Step 2.
5. If the downloading process was successful, wait for the Reader to reset - it takes about 5-7
seconds. For more information on the Readers power-up sequence, refer to Readers Power-
up Sequence on page 5-3. If the Reader did not reset properly and did not send a sign-on
message, then switch the Readers power supply Off and then On.
6. To verify whether the upgrade process was successful, type the following command: