User's Manual

Setting Up the Real Time Clock
Configuration and Operation 5-13
Note If you do not see the expected number of messages on your PC, (13-15 messages for an IPC site),
Chapter 7, Troubleshooting and check the following parameters:
6. Repeat Steps 1 to 5 for each Exciter that is connected to the Reader.
Setting Up the Real Time Clock
You can set the Readers date and time by using the IUT parameter. For more information on setting
up the Real Time Clock, refer to the RFID System S21 Reference Guide.
Example For an IPC application, you should set the IUT parameter to GMT time. To set it, type:
where YYMMDDhhmmss is the year, month, day, hour, minute and second respectively.
Note: The parameter DTS must be set to “Y” in order for the reader to report time in seconds.
Configuring the Readers Application Parameters
You can configure the Readers application parameters by setting the appropriate values for the
parameters in the following groups:
Data buffering/reporting configuration (D)
Hardware configuration (H)
Instrument generic configuration (I)
Tag data reading/excitation configuration (R)
Serial communication configuration (S)
For example, for an IPC application, do the following:
1. Set the data filtration on the Reader, by typing:
DCI=10 <Enter>
DRI=30 <Enter>
2. Set the reported data format as ANS.1 format, by typing:
DHX=Y <Enter>
3. Set the Tag data character count, by typing:
RCC=5 <Enter>
4. For System S21 operation set RMY =Y, DTS=Y, IUM = Y, and PME=Y
5. Use the default values for all the other parameters.