Operation Manual

2BHardware Connections
3.4 Common Studio Setups
This section describes typical studio setups using the AES16.
3.4.1 External A/D and D/A with Word Clock
The figure below illustrates the connection of an eight-channel A/D converter and an eight-channel D/A converter to
I/O Port A of the AES16. This setup uses only half of the available I/O on the AES16. Additional converters can be
connected to I/O Port B to provide up to 16 channels of A/D and D/A conversion.
Also shown is the use of the word clock output of the A/D as the system clock. This signal drives the word clock
input of the AES16, which is available on the CLOCK BNC connector on the breakout cable attached to I/O Port A.
Note: this connector is a word clock output when the cable is attached to I/O Port B. Also, a separate word clock
connection is not always required since any of the four AES inputs connected to I/O Port A can be used as word
clock sources.
I/O Configuration Jumper Settings
Confirm that the jumpers are set to the factory default 4/4 CHNL mode which accommodates the use of the CBL-
AES1604 XLR cable. See Section 12.1 I/O Configuration Jumpers for more information.
AES16 Clock Settings
To select the external clock input as the sample clock source for the AES16, set the Sample Clock Source in the
Adapter window of the Lynx Mixer to External. Set the Reference to Word.
External Equipment Clock Settings
Since the internal clock of the A/D converter is the clock master in this setup, change its clock setting to select its
internal clock. Set the D/A converter to slave to one of its digital inputs. Alternatively, another word clock signal
from the A/D or from I/O Port B of the AES16 could drive the word clock input of the D/A. In this case, the clock
source of the D/A should be set to the appropriate setting for external word clock.
AES16 User Manual 28