Operation Manual

Lynx Mixer Reference
SRC Enable
This checkbox will only appear when using an AES16-SRC. This checkbox controls the state of the sample rate
converter for a specific digital input. When checked, the incoming signal is routed through the sample rate converter
so the sample rate will match the currently selected sample rate of the AES16-SRC. For example, when the device
connected to Digital In 5 is running at 48 kHz, the AES16-SRC is running at 44.1 kHz, and SRC Enable for Digital
In 5 is ON, the AES16-SRC will convert the sample rate from 48 kHz to 44.1 kHz and the SRC Ratio (see below)
will indicate approximately 0.918:1.
SRC Ratio
This indicator will only appear when using an AES16-SRC. Indicates Sample Rate Conversion Ratio when the SRC
Enable checkbox is turned on.
r Digital Outputs Control Section
This section provides control of status bits embedded in the AES/EBU stream for each digital output. For more
information about the use of these bits, refer to the AES-3 specification available from the Audio Engineering
Society web site at http://www.aes.org
This checkbox controls the state of the Valid bit. When checked, the Valid bit is turned on to indicate to the
receiving device that the audio data being transmitted is valid. This is the default state.
This checkbox controls the state of the Non-PCM channel status bit. When checked, the Non-PCM bit is turned on
to indicate that audio data other than linear PCM (such as Dolby AC3 or DTS) is being transmitted.
This checkbox controls the state of the emphasis channel status bits. When checked, the 50/15us emphasis mode is
indicated in the transmitted channel status.
AES16 User Manual 49