Operation Manual

Page 34 Analog and Digital Level Controls for Monitor and Headphones
When the Monitor Out and Phones Outputs are selected in the Output Mix Routing Page, you will see an additional
button. For these two outputs you can control both the Digital output level and the Analog output level.
Analog Output Level – This is your primary monitoring level control. You can control this level / volume using the
fader or the knob on the front panel.
Digital Output Level – Your default for this level is all the way on, at 0 dBFs. This provides the best possible signal to
noise ratio, and therefore the best audio quality.
However, since Hilo offers you the option of routing several inputs to these outputs, you may overload the digital
output and cause distortion. When this is the case, use the Digital Output control to lower the level feeding the D/A
converter. Note, this control is NOT for setting the volume level of the Monitor or Phone outputs, but to attenuate the
digital signal to reduce distortion. Once the digital overload has been lessened, you can set the listening volume with
the Analog level control.