Operation Manual

Page 36 Selecting Monitor Sources
Let’s look at the process of assigning input sources to Hilo’s Outputs
Let’s say that we wanted to add Digital In as a source to route to
the Line Out.
We could simply enable the Digital In with either a single-tap or
double-tap and the page would now look like this.
In this state, audio streaming from TBT Play 1&2 will be merged with audio streaming from the Digital Input. One
must be cautious of the levels of each source in this case, as the combined signal strength could cause clipping to the
output. If this occurs, it can be remedied by attenuating the faders for the input sources (TBT Play 1&2 and Digital In),
or by attenuating the associated output.
Now if we wish to listen to the Digital In signal through Line
Out but NOT the TBT Play 1&2 signal, we could turn the Hilo
Play 1&2 button off, again via the one-tap, or two-tap method.
Using either method, the result would be Digital In as the only
source feeding Line Out. It would look like this.