User guide

User Guide 46
Universal System Exclusive Messages
Identity Request
When Black Box receives this message, it responds by sending an “Identity Reply” message.
Status Description
1111 0000 System Exclusive (SysEx)
0111 1110 Universal SysEx Non-realtime message
0111 1111 Device ID, Always 7Fh (“all call”)
0000 0110 General Information ID (sub-ID #1)
0000 0001 Identity Request ID (sub-ID #2)
1111 0111 End of Exclusive (EOX)
Identity Reply
Status Description
1111 0000 System Exclusive (SysEx)
0111 1110 Universal Sysex Non-realtime message
0000 0000 Device ID (Always 0000 0000)
0000 0110 General Information ID (sub-ID #1)
0000 0010 Identity Reply ID (sub-ID #2)
0000 0000 M-Audio ID, 1st byte = 00h (indicates ID follows in next 2 bytes)
0000 0001 M-Audio ID MSB = 01h
0000 0101 M-Audio ID LSB = 05h
0000 0001 Black Box family code LSB (always 01h)
0000 0000 Black Box family code MSB (always 00h)
0000 0010 Black Box family member ID LSB = 02h
0000 0000 Black Box family member ID MSB = 00h
00xx zzzz x bits 1-0 of PIC software version x of x.y.z
z bits of PIC software version z of x.y.z
(xxxx, yyyy, zzzz = 0-15 where 10-15 translate to A-F)
00xx yyyy x bits 3-2 of PIC software version x of x.y.z
y bits of PIC software version z of x.y.z
(xxxx, yyyy, zzzz = 0-15 where 10-15 translate to A-F)
00xx zzzz x bits 1-0 of DSP software version x of x.y.z
z bits of DSP software version z of x.y.z
(xxxx, yyyy, zzzz = 0-15 where 10-15 translate to A-F)
00xx yyyy x bits 3-2 of DSP software version x of x.y.z
y bits of DSP software version z of x.y.z
(xxxx, yyyy, zzzz = 0-15 where 10-15 translate to A-F)
1111 0111 End of Exclusive (EOX)