
Front Panel
1. Source selection LEDs. These LEDs indicate which one of the three input
jacks is selected as the source of incoming digital audio. Only one of the
LEDs is lit at a time.
2. Source selection button. This pushbutton selects one of the three input
jacks to be the source of incoming digital audio. Repeatedly pressing this
button will cycle through the three available selections.
3. Source Valid LED. This LED indicates the state of the currently selected
source input. When lit, the LED indicates the input data is recognizable
and has valid format. When not lit, the LED indicates invalid or no data
at the selected input.
4. SCMS Mode Select button. Repeatedly pressing this button will cycle
through the four SCMS mode selections. Some SCMS modes may not be
available, depending on which input format is currently selected as the
5. SCMS Mode selection LEDs. These LEDs indicate which one of the four
of the SCMS modes is selected. Only one of the LEDs is lit at a time.
6. Power button. Pressing this button to the "in" position will turn the CO3
on. Pressing and releasing to the "out" position will turn the CO3 off.
Back Panel
1. 9V DC input jack. The CO3’s power adapter plugs in here.
2. Digital Audio Input jacks. These jacks accept three different formats of
digital audio data input. Whichever jack is selected as the CO3’s source
will be converted to one or more of the available output formats.
3. Digital Audio Output jacks. These jacks output converted data from the
CO3, in the three formats supported by the CO3.
Basic Operation
The CO3 Digital Audio Format Converter has three digital audio inputs:
1. Optical S/PDIF, labeled "TOSlink," is input via the TOSlink connector.
This is the default setting when the CO3 powers up.
2. Coaxial S/PDIF, labeled "S/PDIF," is input via the RCA jack.
3. AES/EBU, labeled "AES/EBU," is input via the female XLR jack.
Only one of the inputs to the CO3 is active at any time and the user selects
this input, called the "Source" input, from the front panel. Once selected as
the source, the input is constantly analyzed by the CO3 to determine if its
digital audio stream is present and has a valid format. The status of this
input is displayed by the CO3’s "Source Valid" LED.