User guide

Chapter 5: Advanced Synthesizer and Effects Editing
Venom User Guide
Filter Controls
The Filter section of Venom processes the combined output from the Oscillators section as well as any external
audio input (as set in the Mix section).
Pre-Filter Boost Lets you boost the signal level fed from the Pre-Filter Mixer into the Filter stage. When set to
0, no boost is applied. When set to 127, a +24 dB boost is applied.
Mode Lets you select from the various filter types available in Venom: 2-Pole Low Pass (LP12), 4-Pole Low Pass
(LP24), 2-Pole Band Pass (BP12), 4-Pole Band Pass (BP24), 2-Pole High Pass (HP12), and 4-Pole High Pass
(HP24). Press the Filter Type button on the top panel Performance Control matrix (row 1) to cycle through the
different filter types. You can also select the Filter Type using MIDI CC 70. Send one of the following values
for the corresponding Filter Type: 0 = bypass, 1 = 12 dB LP, 2 = 12 dB BP, 3 = 12 dB HP, 4 = 24 dB LP, 5 = 24 dB
BP, and 6 = 24 dB HP).
Cutoff Determines the initial cutoff frequency (20 Hz–16 kHz) of the filter. Adjust the Cutoff frequency using
the Filter Cutoff knob on the top panel Performance Control matrix (knob 1, row 1), or using MIDI CC 74
(MIDI CC 3 provides coarse control and MIDI CC 35 provides fine control).
Q Factor Controls how much frequencies near the Cutoff frequency are emphasized, and how much those that
are farther away are suppressed. Higher resonance settings add a characteristically ringing, nasal quality to
sounds. Adjust the Q Factor using the Resonance knob on the top panel Performance Control matrix (knob
2, row 1), or using MIDI CC 71.
Filter controls
Selecting the Filter mode