
M-Powered Basics Guide
M-Powered and MIDI
What is MIDI?
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is
not audio, and has no sound. MIDI is a way for
musical devices to communicate. MIDI is data
that can trigger a MIDI device (such as a key-
board or software synthesizer).
In order to create or play a MIDI recording, you
must have a MIDI keyboard or sound module
(real or virtual) connected to the computer
through a MIDI interface. Audio from your
MIDI instrument can be sent to an external
mixer or monitored through your M-Audio in-
For more information on monitoring through
your M-Audio interface, see “Monitoring MIDI
Instruments Without a Mixer” on page 15.
To configure a MIDI track for recording:
1 On Macintosh systems, choose MIDI > Input
Devices and make sure your input device is se-
lected in the MIDI Input Enable window.
2 Choose File > New Track and specify 1 MIDI
Track, then click Create.
3 In the Mix window, click the track’s MIDI In-
put Selector and assign the device and channel
that will be recorded.
4 In the Mix window, click on the track’s MIDI
Output Selector and choose the destination (as-
signment) for that MIDI track by choosing a
MIDI interface port, a channel, or a device from
the pop-up menu (choices vary depending on
the operating system and Pro Tools version).
Some M-Audio interfaces (such as Ozonic)
are also a MIDI keyboard with MIDI ports.
Other M-Audio interfaces (such as Audio-
phile 192) include MIDI ports.
Refer to your M-Audio interface guide for
Signal paths for MIDI instruments
MIDI keyboard (controller)
To amplifier
MIDI sound module
MIDI Input Selector
MIDI Output Selector