User Manual

An appreciation of the Doppler effect can best be gained if one considers everyday sounds
produced by familiar moving objects: the auto horn, a train whistle and a jet plane in flight will all
demonstrate a marked change in tone as they pass a stationary object. This is a result of the
wave nature of sound. For example, consider the automobile horn. The horn itself is producing
waves of sound at a constant rate, say 250 waves per second. As long as the auto is sitting still,
we perceive the sound of the horn as a 250 cycle per second tone. If we next put the auto in
motion toward us at 55 mph, it becomes apparent that we no longer receive 250 waves per second
at our ear because, while the waves travel at a constant speed, each succeeding wave has a
shorter distance to travel to our ear. The waves are effectively compressed to a higher frequency
per second and consequently a higher tone is heard. The waves momentarily drop to 250 per
second at a point perpendicular to the observer and then begin to decrease in frequency as the
vehicle moves away from the observer and each succeeding wave has farther to travel to the ear.
The waves are now effectively being stretched. Moreover, if the speed of the auto is increased,
so is the compression and stretching effect upon the waves and we perceive a higher and lower
tone respectively.
The Doppler Principle as applied to velocity measurement
Up to this point, we have been using sound to demonstrate the effects of the Doppler principle.
However, as you may know, radio energy and light also exhibit a waveform and this fact opens
several interesting areas to consideration.
As we have seen earlier, it is possible to determine the existence and the location of an object at
great distance by transmitting a beam of radio energy and then receiving that small portion of the
beam that is reflected back. If it is possible to reflect radio energy from an object, and that object
is in motion toward or away from the transmitter, the reflected radio waves should be altered in
accordance with the Doppler principle. More specifically, they will be compressed to a higher
frequency as the object moves nearer to the source and, conversely, stretched as the object
moves away. Furthermore, the faster the object approaches or recedes, the greater the
compression/stretching effect upon the waves.
Therefore, if we are able to transmit a radio wave of a known frequency that travels at a constant
speed, and then construct a device to measure the frequency of the reflected waves, by
comparing the two frequencies we will know how much our beam was altered by motion, the
Doppler frequency. From here, it is a straightforward calculation to determine the velocity of our
target object. This is precisely the approach taken in all modern speed measurement devices.
Practical application of the Doppler Principle in traffic radar
Now that we have an understanding of the Doppler principle as applied to velocity measurement,
let us examine how it is used in MPH traffic radar.