User Manual

Find some real targets (stationary)
Place the BEE III into the stationary mode. With a target present, press the
Front button. The BEE III will beep and turn the front antenna on, and if the
target is strong enough a speed will be displayed in the TARGET window.
If you want to lock in the speed, press the Lock button. The target speed will
move to the middle display window, and the “T lock” icon below that window
will light. After locking a target, the BEE III will continue to track it until the
radar is placed into Standby. The target may be re-locked at any time by
pressing the Lock button again.
Now place the radar into Standby. Notice that the locked speed is preserved in
the middle window. It will be erased if the radar is placed back into transmit
mode. It will also be automatically erased 15 minutes after it is locked in if the
radar is not placed back into transmit mode.
Find some real targets (opposite direction moving mode)
Operating in the opposite direction moving mode shouldn't hold any surprises.
The BEE III works like other moving radars. It can be used in an instant-on
mode by waiting to turn the transmitter on until a speeding target is close
enough to lock in, or it can be operated in continuous transmit mode.
Note that locking a target speed does not lock the patrol window until the unit
is placed into standby. Keeping the patrol window active allows the officer to
continue to verify patrol speed and monitor targets, re-locking at any time.
The patrol blanking function is activated by pressing the “Pat Bl” key on the
remote control. It works when the unit is in standby with a locked target.
Pressing the Pat Bl button alternately blanks and unblanks the locked patrol
speed in the Patrol window.
Shut the unit off
The BEE III is turned off by pressing the Power button on the display unit.
There is no need to unplug the unit, it draws very little power. There is no
power down action required on the remote.