User's Manual

User Manual M3 Orange
The contents of this user manual were made based on the “current state” of the product, s
and this manual may contain technical and editing errors or omissions.
When separate application programs are developed and provided by the product s
providers using the product, refer to the program users manual provided by the product
The companies that produce separate application programs besides the basic s
installation programs must include the contact telephone number for inquiring about
these programs on the product, program, or product box separately when distributing
the equipment.
M3 Mobile does not guarantee the quality of the programs produced by third party s
software companies installed after the release from the factory of M3 mobile.
M3 Mobile may request programs from the program manufacturers in order to guarantee s
the quality of the product to meet the requests of mobile network service providers.
All contents of this user manual are protected by the copyright laws, and unauthorized s
copying, modification, or distribution of the software is considered as criminal action
according to the Software Copyright Law.
Windows, MS Office, Outlook, ActiveSync, Internet Explorer are registered trademarks of s
M3 Orange is a trademark of M3 Mobile.s
Other product or service used in this manual is registered trademarks of the corresponding s
right owners.
Copyright and Agreement on Usage