User Manual

DC16 Owners Manual
• Editing Page Buttons
On the far right of the channel displays strip are two editing page buttons with one arrow pointing up
and the other pointing down. These are for displaying additional parameters. For example, parametric
EQ has a TON of parameters that may be edited, but there are only 16 channel displays with encoders.
Simply push these buttons to view the other available parameters.
These button LEDs are always illuminated when they are available for use. If theyre not
illuminated, all parameters are displayed and awaiting your changes.
Banking Group Selector
In the lower right corner of DC16 (below the Mix Selector) are four buttons that make up the Banking Group.
As seen below, two buttons are for switching banks and two are for switching channels.
• BANK Buttons
These buttons shift the currently shown channels, returns, FX, subs, VCAs OR masters left or right
in groups of 16.
• CHANNEL Buttons
These buttons shift the currently shown channels, returns, FX, subs, VCAs OR masters left or right
one at a time.
Below are a couple of notes regarding bank and channel shifting that you should be aware of...:
Banking and channel shifting only works when there are more than 16 channels
in the selected view group (including All”).
LED status: The banking and channel button LEDs are always illuminated when they are
available for use. If the button LEDs are not illuminated, then the DC16 is banked as far left
or right as far as it can be. There will always be a minimum of two button LEDs illuminated,
one bank and one channel.
Bank / Channel