User Manual

DC16 Owners Manual
Smart Bridge
The Smart Bridge is where up to three iPads may be placed for easy viewing and charging purposes.
More importanty, iPads placed on the Smart Bridge may be used for control and audio streaming where
it automatically detects their presence and enables Following operation modes.
Follow Mode is signicant as it allows you to congure and integrate each iPad to behave automatically.
Here youre able to view and control three channels simultaneously which leads to a better, faster, more
streamlined workow. What’s even cooler is that it’s completely customizable: set up the three views that
you want integrated!
Also of note is that the iPads look and perform as if they are integrated with DC16. What sets us apart from
the other guys, though, is that they are integrated...but not permanently. This means that each iPad may
be removed for wireless mixing. Simply return the iPad to its spot on the Smart Bridge when not needed
The Follow Mode and Surface to Wireless Mixing features deserve much more than a simple introductory
sentence or two. As such, we expand on these items shortly – with a few screen shots, too! – so stay tuned.
A quick note before we fully open this can of worms. As mentioned way, way back,
the information detailed on the following pages is how to use and control the DC16.
There is little to no explanation regarding Master Fader.
Well, here we are: the one place
where we will dive into Master Fader a bit more! The reason is simple. The Smart Bridge
setup occurs within Master Fader (via Settings), but it only applies to the DC16, not DL32R.
As Marty McFly might say, ...this is heavy. We agree with good ol Marty here and add that it’s
a good idea to pay special attention to this, the Smart Bridge section. Don’t worry, we’ll ease
you into it.