User Manual

DC16 Owners Manual
• Follow Mode
As mentioned earlier, Follow Mode allows you to customize each iPad on the Smart Bridge to behave
automatically. Simply congure and integrate the setup you desire, then start mixing! As seen in the
screen shot below, there are ve Follow Mode selections to choose from, including:
Current Selected Channel
1st History Selected Channel
2nd History Selected Channel
Fixed View
Perhaps the easiest way to understand each of the possibilities is with real-use scenarios. That said,
we’ll briey discuss each of these settings then wrap up the entire section with some typical setups.
Current Selected Channel:
As you might have guessed, the Current Selected Channel displays the view of...
...the currently selected channel! In other words, if the iPad is currently displaying the EQ
channel view and you rotate the Fat Channel comp thresh encoder, the iPad will change
to the dynamics channel view. Similarly, if youre in the FX channel view and you push
the 48v button, the iPad will change to the selected channel’s input routing view.
It always changes the view (as described above) unless you’re adjusting a value in the current
view. In other words, let’s say that you’re in the EQ channel view updating the band 1 gain.
Now push the band 3 button and rotate the Q encoder. You’re still on the same channel
and same channel view.
Now that youre an expert on Current Selected Channel Follow Mode, you should know that
this setup is possible on multiple iPads. Having said that, we can’t think of any reason why
anyone would set up additional iPads this way. You don’t want three of the same view, right?!
Here, History, Fixed and/or Advanced is more likely. Please read on...
Selected Channel History:
The Selected Channel History may be likened to a three-month calendar. There will always
be three months shown, but only the current month – Current Selected Channel – and two
previous months – Selected Channel History – will be displayed. As the months move forward,
so do the iPad displays.
With it set up this way, the last channel you were working on – i.e. the previous month, or (now)
Selected Channel History – is still easily accessible. Here youre able to jump to another channel
to deal with a problem – i.e. current month, or (now) Current Selected Channel – then quickly
return to the previous channel you were working on.
For the same reason that you will (most likely) set only one iPad to Current Selected Channel,
you probably only want one iPad set to 1st History Selected Channel and the other set to 2nd
History Selected Channel (or Fixed or Advanced). Otherwise, you end up with the same view!