Owner's Manual

4. Signal Outputs
Connect these output jacks to the input jacks
of studio monitors. Like the inputs, there are two
types of output connectors to choose from for
the lef and right outputs: /4" balanced or unbalanced
or unbalanced RCA. Since these are connected together
electrically, do not connect more than one pair of cables
at a time to the output jacks.
The frequency range depends on where the crossover
level is set.
These output jacks are wired the same as the input
jacks as seen on the previous page.
5. Input Level Knob
The CR8S-XBT subwoofer expects a line-level signal
at its input. Use this control to adjust the sensitivity
of the input section (from O to Max) according to
the signal strength at its input.
6. Sub Output Level Knob
This knob adjusts the subwoofers overall output
level (from O to Max). Balance the subwoofer
to your desired low-frequency output level
and adjust the crossover to your desired setting.
7. Crossover Knob
The CR8S-XBT crossover allows you to choose
a crossover frequency for studio monitors ranging
from 40 Hz to 80 Hz for optimal sound. Adjust
to what sounds best to your ears.
8. Polarity Switch
This switch – when lef – sends a normal (0˚)
polarity of the signal into the subwoofer amplifier.
It has no eect on the signal at the outputs.
This switch – when right – reverses the polarity
of the signal going into the subwoofer amplifier by 80˚.
It has no eect on the signal at the outputs.
There is no right or wrong setting for this switch.
Listen to the overall blend of the subwoofer with
the rest of the system and select the switch position
that gives you the best sound. In fact, your system
may vary when positioned dierently. Don’t be afraid
to experiment with the position of the polarity switch.
See page 0 for more information.
9. CRDV Jack
Plug the /4" connector of the included CRDV volume
controller to this jack for remote control of the overall
and subwoofer levels.
CRDV: Features
Included with your CR8S-XBT subwoofer is a CRDV
volume controller. With it, you are able to control the
overall volume level, as well as the subwoofer level...
all without having dig around behind the subwoofer!
There are three control knobs:
The top control knob adjusts the overall volume
of the system. Rotate clockwise to turn it up and
counter-clockwise to turn it down... although we
don’t know why you would want to turn it down!
The middle control knob adjusts the subwoofer
volume. Rotate clockwise to turn it up and counter-
clockwise to turn it down.
The bottom control knob adjusts the settings
of the sun. Rotate clockwise to turn the heat up
and counter-clockwise to turn it down.
Hey sports fans, in a pinch, the CRDV can also
double as a hockey puck.