Owner`s manual

Owner’s Manual
Owner’s Manual
Front Panel Controls
9. Gain Reduction Meters
These LED ladders display the computed drop in sig-
nal level due to gate and compressor action. The levels
range from 0 to –30 dB, left to right. The compressor’s
GAIN knob allows you to bring the overall level back up.
Note: The meters show the computed gain reduction
based on the current gate/comp parameters. They il-
luminate even if the channel is bypassed, or no signal is
present. This allows you to make adjustments and view
results before the channel is taken out of bypass.
10. Output Meters
These 12-segment LED meters display the output
signal level, ranging from –40 to +20 dB.
11. A/B/C/D Channel Select buttons
Use these buttons to select the desired channel to be
adjusted, either channel A, B, C or D. The lighted button
will indicate which of the four channels can be adjusted
by the front panel controls.
A and B, or C and D channel operations can also be
linked together in stereo, as follows:
Pressing and holding buttons A and B will link
these channels in stereo (or unlink them if they are
already linked). Channel B’s parameters are set to
those of A, and follow identically.
Pressing and holding buttons C and D will link
/unlink these channels in stereo. Channel D’s param-
eters are set to those of C, and follow identically.
Stereo-linked limiters are often used for the main
mix in front of amp/speakers systems for protection
Stereo-linking the compressors will help prevent
your main mix from panning left or right as com-
pression occurs. (When channels are linked, each
channel’s compression or gating is triggered by the
same signal.)
You can store up to 99 snapshots, and create, save and
recall your favorite gate and compressor settings quickly
and easily to any of the four channels.
12. Snapshot Display
This shows the snapshot number that was most re-
cently used for the selected channel.
13. Snapshot Up/Down arrows
Use these arrows to select the snapshot number you
want to either store-to or recall-from.
14. Snapshot Store and 15. Recall buttons
Hold the STORE button down for 2 seconds to save
the settings to the current snapshot number.
STORE is lit for those snapshot numbers which are
empty, or if the current settings differ from a snapshot.
RECALL is lit when previously-stored snapshot num-
bers are in the display.
When a snapshot is recalled, it is only recalled to the
currently selected channel. To recall a snapshot onto a
different channel:
1. Hold STORE for 2 seconds to store the current
channel’s settings as a snapshot.
2. Change to a different channel using the chan-
nel select buttons (A, B, C or D).
3. Find the snapshot number and press RECALL
to paste the snapshot onto the new channel.
Clear all Snapshots from memory
Press and hold STORE and RECALL as you turn
on the rear-panel power switch. All snapshots
and parameters will be reset to the factory
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