Owner`s manual

Owner’s Manual
Owner’s Manual
Gate Overview
The gate is a standard noise gate with variable key
lters, and a downward expander function. It comes be-
fore the compressor in the Quad Comp/Gate signal path.
Signals that are below the threshold level are attenu-
ated by one of these two methods:
1. If EXP [20] is out, then the attenuation is set
by the RANGE [24] control. For example, all
signals below the threshold can be reduced by
15 dB. Plonk.
2. If EXP is pressed in, then the attenuation is
set by the RATIO [19] control. This leads to a
smoother and more gradual attenuation which
depends on how low the input signal drops
below the threshold.
We can use a gate to:
Reduce noise levels from individual micro-
phones during non-use, handling, or crosstalk
between mics.
Modify sounds with careful use of attack, hold
and release times.
Tighten up drum and percussive sound enve-
Have fun at fancy gate parties.
Once the GATE [16] button has been pressed, the
knobs operate as described below.
Note: The gate is still in operation (at its
last settings) working its magic on the audio,
even if the GATE button is not selected.
18. THRESHOLD knob
In gate mode, this knob adjusts the level below which
attenuation begins. The threshold level can be adjusted
from –60 dBu to +20 dBu (fully clockwise).
Signals below the threshold are reduced in level by an
amount set by the RANGE [24] knob (or RATIO [19] if
EXP [20] is pressed in). Signals above the threshold are
not affected by the gate.
19. RATIO knob
In gate mode, this knob is only active when the EXP
[20] button is pressed in (i.e., the expander is in opera-
The markings around
the RATIO knob show
the compression ratio
such as 2:1 and 10:1. The expander
uses these same values as a refer-
ence, but the actual value are
inverted, such as 1:2, 1:10 and so on. For example, if
the knob is set to 5:1 from the marked scale, this is an
actual downward expansion ratio of 1:5 (every 1 dB of
signal below the threshold will yield 5 dB attenuation of
the output).
The ratio ranges from 1:1 (no gain reduction) to 1:20
(maximum gain reduction). Ignore the innity:1 label,
as this is just valid for the compressor.
As the settings approach 1:1, the resolution between
values increases, for ner control of smaller values.
20. EXP button
This backlit button changes the gate to a downward
expander when lit.
When engaged, the RANGE [24] knob is disabled and
the RATIO [19] knob is enabled. The ATTACK [21],
RELEASE [22], and HOLD [23] knobs operate the same
as in gate mode.
Signals that are lower than the threshold level are de-
creased in level by an amount determined by the setting
of the RATIO knob.
21. ATTACK knob
In gate mode, this knob adjusts the amount of time for
the gate to open and pass the signal through, once the
signals move above the threshold level (after reduction
has occurred).
Use this knob to adjust the Attack time from 0.1 ms to
300 ms (fully clockwise).
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