User manual

Old Password:
Enter the old password using the remote control (factory set-
ting is 8888), and the cursor will jump automatically to the
new password eld.
New Password:
Enter a new password using 4 digits from the remote control,
and the cursor will automatically jump to the conrm pass-
word eld.
Conrm Password:
Conrm the new password by entering it again using the re-
mote control. If the incorrect password is entered, the cursor
will stay in this eld and you will need to enter the correct
password. After entering, the correct new password again,
the cursor will jump automatically to the OK button.
Once all elds are lled in, click the ENTER button on the re-
mote control to save your new password.
Note: If the password has been changed, the parental and disc
lock code will also be changed.
Note that the default password (8888) remains permanently
active even if the system password has been changed.