User's Manual

3.2. General Operations
3.2.1. Changing Password
Fig. 10. Password.
On this page, the user could change the password for the right to modify the configuration of the AP.
The new password must be typed twice for confirmation.
3.2.2. Upgrading Firmware
Fig. 11. Firmware Upgrade.
The AP can be triggered to download updated firmware from a specified TFTP server. On this page,
the user specifies the IP address of the intended TFTP server, and then triggers the AP to begin
Within the folder Utilities on the companion CD-ROM disk, we offered a TFTP server program
(TftpSrvr.exe) for firmware upgrade. Run this program on the computer that is to serve as a TFTP
To upgrade the firmware of AP:
1. Get a computer that will be used as a TFTP server and as a managing computer to trigger the
upgrade process.
2. Connect the computer and the LAN/Config Ethernet port with a crossover Ethernet cable.
3. Configure the computer to obtain an IP address automatically.
4. On the computer, run the TFTP Server utility. And specify the folder in which the firmware files
5. On the computer, run a Web browser and click the General/Firmware Upgrade hyperlink.
6. Specify the IP address of the computer, which acts as a TFTP server. If you don't know the IP
address of the computer, open a Command Prompt, and type IpConfig, then press the Enter key.
7. Trigger the firmware upgrade process by clicking Upgrade.