User guide

Diffused Rear Screen Systems
If the system includes a diffused rear screen, floor mount or ceiling mount
the projector so that the image is directed to the center of the audience.
Projection tilt should be less than 15°. See Figure 2-13.
Figure 2-13. Diffused Rear Screen Installation
In situations where the space behind the projector is limited, a mirror may
be used to fold the optical path as illustrated in Figure 2-14. If a diffused
screen is used, the projection angle Ø should be less than 15°. If an optical
screen is used, the optical path between the mirror and the screen should be
perpendicular to the screen. Much attention must be given to the position-
ing of the projector and the mirror. This can be quite difficult for installers
unfamiliar with this type of installation. It is recommended that your dealer
or an experienced installer perform the installation.
Note: When using a mirror as shown in Figure 2-14, the calculated throw
distance (D) is the summation of D1 and D2.
Figure 2-14. Folded Optics