User's Manual

Rear Screen, Ceiling Mount Installation
Rear Screen, Floor Mount With Mirror
Screen Type Screen type is a very important factor when designing a projection system.
Inexperienced users or installers should always consult their dealer when
deciding on screen type. The following guidelines may be helpful to
understand the differences between screen types.
Front Screen Installations
There are two basic screen types: flat and curved. The choice between a flat
screen versus a curved screen is dependent on audience viewing angle and
screen gain. There is always a trade-off between viewing angle and gain.
Viewing angles for both screen types are illustrated in Figures 2-1 and 2-2.
Flat screens offer a gain of about 1 with a viewing angle just less than 180°.
Incident light reflects equally in all directions so the audience can see the
display from various angles. Because of the lower gain, flat screens are more
effective when ambient lighting is reduced.
Figure 2-1. Audience Coverage with Flat Screen