User manual

Stand-Alone Mode
Stand-Alone Mode is an important feature of the MADRIX
1x DMX-OUT, 2x DMX-OUT, or Art-Net is available in Stand-Alone Mode. The
PLEXUS uses an SD card to run automatic light shows without the need for a
computer. However, a MADRIX PC is required to preprogram the shows.
Several steps are required to create a Stand-Alone Show for your device.
1) Please configure your virtual matrix according to your LED installation.
, navigate to the menu ‘Preferences’ à ‘Matrix Generator’ or
‘Preferences’ à ‘Patch’ for this task.
2) Create the effects you wish to use with the help of the graphical user
interface (GUI) of the software MADRIX
3) Navigate to the menu ‘Windowà ‘Cue List’ in MADRIX
if you wish to
create a playlist. A live record is also possible without a Cue List.
4) Recording your effects and thus creating a MADRIX Record File (*.mrec) is
possible with the ‘Recording’ dialog (tab ‘Recording’ and tab ‘Edit Record’). In
, open the menu ‘Windowà ‘Recording…’.
5) Converting Record Files (*.mrec) into DMX Data Files (*.dxd) is also done
with the help of the ‘Recording’ dialog (tab ‘PLEXUS Conversion’) in MADRIX
6) In order to create a PLEXUS Configuration, the Stand-Alone Show for your
device, please use the ‘PLEXUS Configuration’ dialog. In MADRIX
, open the
menu ‘Tools’ à ‘PLEXUS Configuration…’.
7) Export your show to the SD card or transfer the PLEXUS Configuration
directly to the SD card in your device over USB or Ethernet. In MADRIX
, open
the menu ‘Tools’ à ‘PLEXUS Configuration…’.
8) Manually activate playback on the device, in case you did not configure
AutoPlay’ in your PLEXUS Configuration.
More information on each step is provided in the user manuals.