User manual

Use TRX Trailhead.
Connect To Social Media
Connect your Twitter and Instagram accounts to your TRX Trailhead account (if you
haven’t already on your TRX7 device).
To connect to Twitter and Instagram:
1. Click at the top right corner of the screen.
2. Click or to go to the Twitter or Instagram login page.
3. Enter your Twitter or Instagram login information, or create a new account for use
with your TRX account.
Once you’ve successfully linked a social media account to your TRX account, the icon
turns blue: .
Upload GPX Files
You can upload properly formatted GPS exchange format XML (GPX) files, with multiple
Tracks or Waypoints, to your TRX Trailhead Log.
To upload a GPX file:
1. Click in the tab.
2. Select GPX file from your computer > open file to upload to TRX Trailhead.
3. Rate and add attributes to the file as if you’re adding attributes to a Track.
4. Click to save file to your Log.
Tip: Load GPX files that are 2MB or smaller for best uploading results.