
8 Programming Guide
* For UL installations, all programmed wireless zones must be supervised. For any wireless Fire zones in UL installations, the supervision option must be
enabled (section [094] options [6] & [7]) and the check-in supervision time must be set at 80 minutes (section [096] option [7]).
Communicator Settings
* Using Magellan’s speakerphone feature (MG-6060 only), the Service telephone number allows the user to directly call the installer or maintenance staff if any problems arise.
† If you are using any report format other than SIA in sections [105] and [106] and you would like to transmit an “A”, press [0] on the main keypad; if you would like to enter a
space (non-reportable digit), press the [1] key on the center keypad.
[103] Wireless Transmitter Supervision Zone Options * Bold = Default setting
Option OFF ON
[1] Zone 1 supervision Disabled Enabled
[2] Zone 2 supervision Disabled Enabled
[3] Zone 3 supervision Disabled Enabled
[4] Zone 4 supervision Disabled Enabled
[5] Zone 5 supervision Disabled Enabled
[6] Zone 6 supervision Disabled Enabled
[7] Zone 7 supervision Disabled Enabled
[8] Zone 8 supervision Disabled Enabled
[104] Wireless Transmitter Supervision Zone Options * Bold = Default setting
Option OFF ON
[1] Zone 9 supervision Disabled Enabled
[2] Zone 10 supervision Disabled Enabled
[3] Zone 11 supervision Disabled Enabled
[4] Zone 12 supervision Disabled Enabled
[5] Zone 13 supervision Disabled Enabled
[6] Zone 14 supervision Disabled Enabled
[7] Zone 15 supervision Disabled Enabled
[8] Zone 16 supervision Disabled Enabled
Section Data Description
Report format for monitoring station telephone number 1 (
Report format for monitoring station telephone number 2 (
Account number (
Panel identifier (for use with WinLoad software) (
Panel password (for use with WinLoad software) (
Reserved for future use
Monitoring station telephone number 1 (32 digits maximum; if less than 32, press [ok] to accept)
Monitoring station telephone number 2 (32 digits maximum; if less than 32, press [ok] to accept)
Pager Telephone # (32 digits maximum; if less than 32, press [ok] to accept)
Numeric message sent with Pager Reporting (32 digits maximum; if less than 32, press [ok] to accept)
PC telephone number for WinLoad (32 digits maximum; if less than 32, press [ok] to accept)
Service telephone number* (32 digits maximum; if less than 32, press [ok] to accept)
(MG-6060 only)
J[4] J[3]
J[4] J[3]
001 = Ademco slow (1400Hz 10BPS) 002 = Silent Knight (1400Hz 20BPS) 003 = SESCOA (2300Hz 20BPS)
004 = Ademco Contact ID (default) 005 = SIA FSK 006 = ADEMCO Express (DTMF 4+2)
J[4] J[3]
J[4] J[8]
J[4] J[8]
J[4] J[3]
J[4] J[3]
J[4] J[3]
J[4] J[3]
J[4] J[3]