Table Of Contents
depending on the basic sound of the guitar and the sound you are aiming for
(“powerful” or “cutting”).
High: Mainly controls the share of highs before and after the distortion. If you are
not using an external guitar speaker as a monitor, we recommend setting the
controller to the middle position or even moving it slightly to the right. This way
the “sharp” highs disappear, which all guitar amps generate without the suitable
loudspeaker. At the same time the mids stand out more, which gives the sound
more “kick”. On the other hand you can further emphasize the highs if you want
the sound to be more neutral.
Drive: The level of distortion. This controls the amplification used to operate the
“virtual valve circuit” (max. 60dB). As the level increases, the valve goes into
overdrive and generates typical distortions. For a slightly distorted sound
(“Crunch”) it is surely sufficient to set the controller to 10-11 hours at maximum.
Furthermore the modeled circuit provides the usual “weight” for power rock
chords and more. The further you turn this controller to the right, the more the
mids of the signalmove to the fore so that the “high-gain” lead sound is better
Voice over
The "Voice over" effect creates a volume curve for automatically fading background
music during spoken sections. To do this, proceed as follows:
1. Record speech.
2. Load your background music.
3. Move the object containing the background music to the second track below
the spoken portion. Note: The second track can be opened with the "2" key.
4. Place your speech recording at the correct position, then cut and edit it with
the object handles to remove undesired noise or mistakes.
5. Now open the voiceover dialog via "Edit" and activate the voiceover effect.
6. A volume curve (view page 39) is created on the second track which
automatically fades the background music at the correct positions.