Table Of Contents
Export 111
Format settings: This button opens another dialog where you can set export formats
and adjust their settings. With compression formats like MP3 or OGG you can select
codec compression rates.
Wave: The audio material is exported as a standard Wave file. This is the
conventional format for further use on Windows PCs. These files are not compressed
and retain their full sound quality.
FLAC: FLAC is the abbreviation for "Free Lossless Audio Codec". This is a freely
savable format that can be used to compress your audio data to 50% of their original
size. Unlike lossy compression methods like MP3 or OGG, the full sound quality is
kept intact with FLAC.
MP3: Use the MP 3 files (view page 110) button to quickly access the export in MP3
format option.
AAC: This is a
modern competitor format to MP3, which is primarily used for portable
music players (iPod, etc.).
Note: To export in MP3 or ACC format, you may need to activate your encoder first.
Simply go to "Help" >Activate additional functions (view page 157).
OGG:OGG Vorbis files have all of the important characteristics of MP3 files, except
that they do not require any kind of licensing for their codecs. – They can be freely
decoded and encoded. Not all portable devices support this format.
AIFF: The audio material is exported as an AIFF file. This is the most commonly used
audio format for Apple™ computers.
Windows Media: Exports the arrangement in WMA format (Windows Media Audio).
These are streaming audio files which are used on the Internet to guarantee real-time
audio streaming. The sound quality is slightly diminished, but the files are extremely
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