Table Of Contents
Close: Closes the dialog and applies the changes that were made.
Keyboard shortcut: l
Markers / Positions
You can edit the track markers in your project in the "Marker/Position" tab.
Name: The name of the track.
Set markers automatically: MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab 2013 analyzes the audio
material and sets the track markers automatically.
Markers on object edges: Automatically sets track markers on all object edges. This
option only makes sense if you have already cut a recording into individual tracks
using the Cut mouse mode (view page 38).
Track Start: H
ere you can set the exact starting point of the track. The two arrows
change the position of the track marker. This means that the track remains in the
same position and the same order but starts earlier or later.
Move track: The position on the CD of the track that is marked by the track marker
can be changed by using the two buttons.
New marker: Sets a track marker at the position of the playback marker.
Delete marker: Removes the selected track marker.