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Effects menu 139
Loudness adjustment
This function unifies the volume of the individual tracks in the project. First all of the
levels for every object are increased separately to the maximum without clipping the
material (see Normalization (view page 137)). Depending on the musical production,
er, each title may have a different volume at full level, since the relation
between loud and quiet sequences within the track also influences how we perceive
volume. In the second step, the average volume (RMS) of the song is determined and
the object level is adapted accordingly.
Tracks with higher peak values but lower loudness may be normalized at a level above
0 dB (full clipping). To avoid overloads, the limiter is automatically activated (see
A target loudness (RMS) can be given in dB. Since this is the average value, the
loudness value is always less than 0dB; -15 is the preset.
The degree of adjustment decides how strictly the loudness normalization is applied.
At 0%, no adjustment is made to the target RMS. At a value of 50%, the level is
raised to half the difference between the detected loudness and the target value.
Volume differences remain between the tracks in this case. At 100%, every track is
raised to the RMS target value regardless of its loudness. This is only recommended in
rare cases because even in a single party mix, a dance hit will not have the same
volume as a ballad.
Tip: Volume fluctuation within a song can be balanced with the MultiMax loudness
Keyboard shortcut: Shift + N
Isolate Stereo Channels
Displays a stereo file from two mono objects. The two mono objects are totally
independent, are located one above the other on two tracks and can be worked on
separately. This option is particularly suitable for removing undesirable audio
interference that can only be heard on one channel.
Switch channels
This function switches the left and right stereo channels.
This is useful for correcting recordings with switched channels. This function can be
reversed if you don't re-select the range; opening it again will bring back the original