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Get CD track information (freeDB)
By online freeDB query you can get complete title informations for an imported CD
from the internet. The query is based on the exact combination of title lengths in a
given order for a number of tracks. This is also working with tracks separately loaded
into the the project (as MP3 files, for instance). The single play times of the tracks can
even differ by some seconds, mostly the correct CD is recognized anyway.
Just put your Audio CD into the disc drive and select "Get CD track information
CD info options
Here you can start different advanced options for "freeDB CD Database".
freeDB > Submit CD to freeDB
You can add CDs in the online CD database. The enormous freeDB project exists
courtesy of the contributions made by worldwide users.
If you have a CD that is not in the database, you can enter the CD information.
Make sure the right CD is in the drive.
Select "Enter New CD in freeDB "
Enter the information, double-checking the details for possible errors.
Press "OK"
Within an hour or two, the new information will be online for everybody to
freeDB user preferences
User info is entered here for MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab 2013 to use when freeDB is
queried. Of course, using freeDB is completely anonymous, but freeDB often has to
process several queries at once, so an i.d. is assigned to identify the user. If you have
problems accessing info, maybe someone is using the same data; you can change the
settings to avoid this problem.
freeDB proxy options...
If you are having difficulties connecting to the freeDB server, then you can choose
another server from the list, or you can increase the "timeout" value. An increased
work load causes the server to react slowly and a connection cannot be made
freeDB > Delete freeDB Cache
The freeDB online database creates a cache on your hard disk, containing all data
available via the freeDB button. This allows you to access the data without having to