Table Of Contents
Path settings
In this dialog, you can set the memory path for your recorded audio files (New
projects) as well as the search path for VST plug-ins.
Show start selection
Each time the program starts, it will show the start selection and offer presets for the
most important program applications.
After choosing an option, a new, empty project (view page 57) and the right presets
for all cleaning and mastering effects installed according t
o their individual
applications will be added. This means, you will only have to activate them. On top of
that, the settings for the automatic track recognition during the recording will be
applied according to the chosen applications.
Furthermore, you can also reload the previous project or view the introduction video.
If you do not wish to use any defaults, you can just close the dialog by clicking on the
"Close" button in the right-hand corner. When you activate the box "Don't show this
dialog again", the start selection will not pop up the next time you start the program.
You can reactivate this at any time via the menu "Options" >"Show start selection".